Saturday, September 10, 2011

Aurora timelapse

Auroras on Sept 10th from Librari on Vimeo.

10.09.2011 00:15-01:08
A CME hit Earth's magnetic field on Sept. 9th,

Camera: Canon 30D
Optics: EF 17-40 f/4L @17mm
Mount: Manfrotto 055
Exposures: 20s, ISO200

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

SN2011fe animation

M101 galaksi kuvattu 05.04.2011, 28.08.2011 sekä 05.09.2011.
Animaatiossa näkyy Supernova 2011fe ilmestyminen ja huomattava kirkastuminen viikon aikana.

Camera: Canon 30D
Optics: Celestron Omni 150 f/5 (MPCC)
Guider: QHY5 & WO ZS66 +PHDGuiding
Processing: DSS & PS

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Veil Nebula

Camera: Canon 30D mod, CLS Clipfilter
Optics: WO ZenithStar 66 APO
EQ-6 SynTrek
Guider: QHY5 & EF 50mm +PHDGuiding
Exposures: 19x600s ISO400

Processing: DSS & PS

Monday, September 5, 2011

Eagle M16 & Omega M17

Odotellessani pimeän laskeutumista testasin saisinko M16 ja M17 sumut vielä kaivettua matalalta horisontin tuntumasta. Viimeisen kuvan aikana Omega sumu oli vain 4 asteen korkeudessa. Jotain kuitenkin tarttui modatulla 30D kameralla ja William Optics ZenithStar66 putkella. Käytössä oli 0,8x flatteneri, mutta siitä huolimatta tähdistä tuli todella rumia reuna-alueella, vai onko kameran kenno vinossa.

: Canon 30D mod, CLS Clipfilter

Optics: WO ZenithStar 66 APO
EQ-6 SynTrek
Guider: QHY5 & EF 50mm +PHDGuiding
Exposures: 8x300s ISO800

Processing: DSS & PS

Cocoon Nebula

IC5146 on night 04.09.2011

Camera: Canon 30D mod
Optics: Celestron Omni 150 f/5 (MPCC)
Mount: EQ-6 SynTrek
Guider: QHY5 & WO ZS66 +PHDGuiding
Exposures: 36x300s, ISO800
Processing: DSS & PS

Sunday, September 4, 2011

M27 Dumbbell revisit

: Canon 30D mod

Optics: Celestron Omni 150 f/5 (MPCC)
Mount: EQ-6 SynTrek
Guider: QHY5 & WO ZS66 +PHDGuiding
Exposures: 18x300s, ISO800
Processing: DSS & PS

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Robsy´s Milky Way

Autumnal view of the Milky Way to southwest from door of my R-Observatory. My main astrophotographing equipment were shooting light of M27 when I took this picture.
Can you find comet Garradd from picture?

Camera: Canon 30D
Optics: EF 17-40 f/4L @17mm
Mount: CG-4 with Celestron motor drive
Processing: PS

Messier 101 with sn 2011fe

Photographed on night 05.09.2011
(I replaced picture to better one)

Camera: Canon 30D mod
Optics: Celestron Omni 150 f/5 (MPCC)
Mount: EQ-6 SynTrek
Guider: QHY5 & WO ZS66 +PHDGuiding
Exposures: 19x300s, ISO80o
Processing: DSS & PS

Sunday, August 28, 2011

C/2009 P1 Garradd & M71

Camera: Canon 30D mod
Optics: Celestron Omni 150 f/5 (MPCC)
Mount: EQ-6 SynTrek
Guider: QHY5 & WO ZS66 +PHDGuiding
Exposures: 10x120s, ISO800
Processing: DSS & PS

Thursday, April 28, 2011

NGC 7000 North America

The North American Nebula NGC7000 is an emission nebula in the Cygnus.
I photographed this on nights of 23.-25.4.2011. I wanted take "first light" of my Ir modded Canon 30D camera and test it by catch some photons of some red emission nubula. NGC7000 came first to my mind. This large nebula is covering area of almost four times of size of full moon and fit perfectly in field of view of
my ZS66.
This picture could be end of this season...
Summer and too bright skies...

Camera: Canon 30D mod, CLS Clipfilter
Optics: WO ZenithStar 66 APO
Mount: CG-4 with Celestron motor drive
Guider: QHY5 & EF 50mm +PHDGuiding
Exposures: 70x60s unfiltered,
60x120s w/ CLS, ISO400
Processing: DSS & PS

Friday, February 25, 2011

Whirpool M51 & NGC5195

The Whirlpool Galaxy (also known as Messier 51a, M51a, or NGC 5194) is an interacting spiral galaxy located at a distance of approximately 31 million light-years from the Milky Way Galaxy in the constellation Canes Venatici. (from Wikipedia)

Camera: Canon 30D
Optics: Celestron Omni 150 f/5 (MPCC)
Mount: CG-4 with Celestron motor drive
Guider: QHY5 & EF 50mm +PHDGuiding
Exposures: 53x120s, ISO800
Processing: DSS & PS