Monday, November 29, 2010

M31 Andromeda Galaxy

The Great Andromeda Galaxy at 28.11.2010
After long period of cloudy skies I had two clear nights in a row.
My Omni 150 mirror telescope was under repair so I had to use
WO ZenithStar 66mm telesscope to caught photons of this galaxy.
Image is slightly cropped down. Corners are too ugly for your eyes.

This is a S-shaped non-barred spiral seyfert galaxy with DDO luminosity class I-II where bright supergiant well-formed spirals are type I and low surface brightness dwarfs with little or no spiral structure are of type V and types II, III and IV are intermediates of these. Its approximate mean surface brightness is 14.4.

Camera: Canon 30D
Optics: WO ZenithStar 66 APO
Mount: CG-4 with Celestron motor drive
Guider: QHY5 & EF 50mm +PHDGuiding
Exposures: 17x300s, ISO800
Processing: DSS & PS